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Updates: Colon Cancer Screening Video

Updates: Colon Cancer Screening

This short video, brought to you by Minhhuyen T. Nguyen, MD, AGAF, FACP, Professor in the Department of Medicine and Director of Clinical Gastroenterology at Fox Chase, discusses what's new in colorectal cancer screening—from lowering the age of screening, to the efficacy of screening tests, to new techniques to improve colonoscopy.
Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Left Ileal Ureter Interposition for Long Segment Ureteral Stricture Video

Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Left Ileal Ureter Interposition for Long Segment Ureteral Stricture

Daniel Eun, MD, Michael Metro, MD, and other Fox Chase-Temple Urologic Institute Providers present a 53-year-old patient diagnosed with bilateral ureteral strictures from tuberculosis who undergoes a bilateral ureteral reconstruction.
Innovative Approaches Needed to Move the Needle on Pancreatic Cancer News

Innovative Approaches Needed to Move the Needle on Pancreatic Cancer

Two studies are testing whether the stroma can be used to the patient’s advantage.
Two New Targeted Therapies Available for Advanced Cervical Cancer News

Two New Targeted Therapies Available for Advanced Cervical Cancer

Until late 2021, patients with recurrent cervical cancer had limited options for treatment. Available treatments included standard chemotherapy regimens and the VEGF-inhibitor bevacizumab.
Study Finds COVID-19 Vaccines Using mRNA Technology Safe for People with Cancer News

Study Finds COVID-19 Vaccines Using mRNA Technology Safe for People with Cancer

According to a new study from researchers at Fox Chase, mRNA vaccine for COVID-19 is just as safe for people with cancer as it is for cancer-free individuals.
Fox Chase Cancer Center<br>Department of SurgicalL Oncology<br>Division of General Surgery<br>Highlights 2021 Document

Fox Chase Cancer Center
Department of SurgicalL Oncology
Division of General Surgery
Highlights 2021

Highlights of the 2021 Division of General Surgery
20th Annual Highlights of the 2021 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium Course

20th Annual Highlights of the 2021 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium

Presented by Fox Chase Cancer Center and the Temple Health Office for Continuing Medical Education, these enduring materials are designed to help clinicians translate the data from key presentations from the 2021 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium into practice.
Christine Amoroso Coordinates Treatment-Optimizing, Dedicated Intravesical Clinic News

Christine Amoroso Coordinates Treatment-Optimizing, Dedicated Intravesical Clinic

Amoroso is part of the nurse-led dedicated intravesical clinic that helps optimize treatment for patients and workflow for other physicians and nurses.
New Prognostic Model More Accurately Predicts Kidney Cancer Recurrence and Survival News

New Prognostic Model More Accurately Predicts Kidney Cancer Recurrence and Survival

Researchers at Fox Chase Cancer Center have developed a model that predicts disease recurrence and survival in patients with intermediate- and high-risk localized kidney cancer more accurately than existing prognostic models.
Liver Cancer and Hepatic Arterial Infusion Pump Chemotherapy News

Liver Cancer and Hepatic Arterial Infusion Pump Chemotherapy

Fox Chase Cancer Center is renowned for its use of the latest treatment methods for a range of liver and related cancers.
Kutikov Leads International Effort to Optimize Management of Adrenal Masses News

Kutikov Leads International Effort to Optimize Management of Adrenal Masses

Fox Chase’s Alexander Kutikov, MD, FACS, is leading an international effort to create a centralized, streamlined, point-of-care resource for the management of adrenal masses.
Molecular Profiling Named Top Advance of 2021 by ASCO News

Molecular Profiling Named Top Advance of 2021 by ASCO

An American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) collaborative report named the use of molecular profiling the top advance of 2021, but also identified priority areas for future research.

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