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Hereditary Gynecologic Cancer Syndromes: When to Consider Genetic Counseling Video

Hereditary Gynecologic Cancer Syndromes: When to Consider Genetic Counseling

Hereditary cancer syndromes cause a significant portion of gynecologic malignancies. Many times, gynecologic cancers are diagnosed in the late stages, at a time when treatment options are limited.
Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines: What You Should Know Video

Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines: What You Should Know

Watch this short video on the three components of breast cancer screening—brought to you by Andrea Porpiglia, MD, MSc, FACS, Assistant Professor, Department of Surgical Oncology at Fox Chase.
Transperineal Biopsy News

Transperineal Biopsy

For some men who need a biopsy to test for prostate cancer, Fox Chase Cancer Center now offers an alternative approach that is safer, with significantly lower risks of infection, and potentially higher rate of tumor detection. This new procedure, called transperineal biopsy, uses an external entry point in the perineum area, instead of the more traditional transrectal (through the rectum wall) approach. A rectal ultrasound probe helps the physician guide the biopsy instrument to reach more areas in the prostate, including the anterior region that is more difficult to access using the transrectal method.
Fox Chase Recruiting for Ongoing Phase-1 Trial of Targeted Therapy for Ewing Sarcoma News

Fox Chase Recruiting for Ongoing Phase-1 Trial of Targeted Therapy for Ewing Sarcoma

The phase-1 trial will test a new targeted therapy called seclidemstat in patients with relapsed or refractory Ewing sarcoma or Ewing-related Sarcomas.
High Expectations for Adoptive Cell Therapy for Treatment of Solid Tumors News

High Expectations for Adoptive Cell Therapy for Treatment of Solid Tumors

A partnership between the Fox Chase solid tumor oncologists and their colleagues in bone marrow transplantation tests the potential of adoptive cell therapies for the treatment of solid tumors.
Adjuvant Olaparib a Win for High-Risk, BRCA-Mutant Early Breast Cancer News

Adjuvant Olaparib a Win for High-Risk, BRCA-Mutant Early Breast Cancer

Researchers at Fox Chase Cancer Center discuss the benefits of the PARP inhibitor olaparib for women with high-risk, HER2-negative, BRCA-mutant early breast cancer.
How to Perform Device-Free, Free-Handed Transperineal Prostate Biopsy Video

How to Perform Device-Free, Free-Handed Transperineal Prostate Biopsy

Fox Chase Cancer Center’s urologic oncology group shares an educational video that provides instruction on how to perform a device-free, free-handed transperineal prostate biopsy.
Peritoneal Surface Malignancies News

Peritoneal Surface Malignancies

Urology Team Continues Focus on Improving Kidney Cancer Surgery Outcomes News

Urology Team Continues Focus on Improving Kidney Cancer Surgery Outcomes

Two new collaborative publications focus on treatment decisions for patients with renal masses.
Fox Chase Genitourinary Cancer Physicians Gain National Recognition News

Fox Chase Genitourinary Cancer Physicians Gain National Recognition

Three members of Fox Chase Cancer Center’s Genitourinary Cancer Program – Elizabeth Plimack, MD, MS; Alexander Kutikov, MD, FACS; and Benjamin Miron, MD -- have gained national recognition for their work advancing the care of patients with genitourinary cancers.
Clinical Nurse Manager, Rebecca Farrell, MSN, RN, Keeps Calm, Carries On Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic News

Clinical Nurse Manager, Rebecca Farrell, MSN, RN, Keeps Calm, Carries On Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic

As patient care adapted to the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic, Farrell continued to ensure that patients had access to cutting-edge care.
Two Studies Provide Answers on Best Approach to Bladder Cancer Treatment News

Two Studies Provide Answers on Best Approach to Bladder Cancer Treatment

Evaluating the current standards of care for cystectomy yielded interesting results on when it is most appropriate.

Showing 109 - 120 of 154 results

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