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A One-Stop Shop for Liver Cancer News

A One-Stop Shop for Liver Cancer

Fox Chase Improves Treatment and Access to It
Fox Chase Cancer Center Study Challenges Assumptions About Cystic Renal Masses News

Fox Chase Cancer Center Study Challenges Assumptions About Cystic Renal Masses

A Fox Chase study ends up on the cover Journal of Urology cover by revealing a hidden danger in cystic renal masses.
Residency & Fellowship. . . to Leadership News

Residency & Fellowship. . . to Leadership

Why do many GI Fox Chase Fellow and Residents stay at Fox Chase after training? Hear what a few say about starting and staying here because of the exceptional clinical, research, and leadership opportunities.
The World is Dr. Perkins’ Patient News

The World is Dr. Perkins’ Patient

Julia Perkins Smith, MD, Oncology Global Clinical Lead at Pfizer, is a hematologist-oncologist, strategist, and solution seeker -- at the helm of developing breakthrough therapies for breast cancer patients worldwide and implementing clinical trials to examine their efficacy and safety.
New Directions in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Hematologic Cancers: Highlights from International Medical Meetings Symposium

New Directions in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Hematologic Cancers: Highlights from International Medical Meetings

Presented by Fox Chase Cancer Center and the Temple Health Office for Continuing Medical Education, these enduring materials review cutting-edge updates and perspectives on new diagnostic tools and management options of hematologic malignancies. Courses include genetic profiling, cytogenetics, molecular diagnostics, risk adaptive strategies, and novel therapies recently approved by the FDA.
Robotic Prostatectomy Video

Robotic Prostatectomy

Daniel Eun, MD, Fox Chase-Temple Urologic Institute Provider, discusses the potential benefits of robotic and minimally invasive surgery, and explains his goals for patients following robotic prostatectomy, including maintaining continence and sexual function.
Quality of Life Issues After Prostate Cancer Video

Quality of Life Issues After Prostate Cancer

Michael Metro, MD, Fox Chase-Temple Urologic Institute Provider, discusses different interventions that can improve quality of life issues – such as erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence -- for patients following prostate cancer surgery.
Robotic Nephrectomy Video

Robotic Nephrectomy

Daniel Eun, MD, Chief of Robotic Surgery at Temple University Hospital and Fox Chase-Temple Urologic Institute leader, discusses the different kidney sparing robotic and minimally invasive procedures available at Temple, and the potential benefits of these procedures as it relates to maintaining kidney function.
Temple Health Launches New Fox Chase-Temple Urologic Institute News

Temple Health Launches New Fox Chase-Temple Urologic Institute

Fox Chase Cancer Center and Temple Health are pleased to announce the new Fox Chase-Temple Urologic Institute, a groundbreaking initiative that will concentrate on both benign and oncologic urology.
Treatment for Urethral Stricture Video

Treatment for Urethral Stricture

Michael Metro, MD, Fox Chase-Temple Urologic Institute Provider, explains the symptoms and causes of urethral strictures -- a narrowing of the urethra, most typically within the area underneath the scrotum -- and how they are diagnosed and treated at Temple.
Aquablation: Changing the Surgical Landscape of BPH Video

Aquablation: Changing the Surgical Landscape of BPH

Join Steve Sterious, MD FACS , Fox Chase-Temple Urologic Institute Provider, to discuss Aquablation and the changing surgical landscape of BPH.
Urinary Incontinence in Women: Evaluation and Management Video

Urinary Incontinence in Women: Evaluation and Management

Dr. Joshua Cohn, Fox Chase-Temple Urologic Institute Provider, discusses urinary incontinence in women, focusing on the etiology, prevalence and diagnostic evaluation. He also discusses the various treatment options that may be most helpful for each patient.

Showing 49 - 60 of 154 results

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