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Celebrating 35 years of the Fox Chase-Temple University Hospital Bone Marrow Transplant Program News

Celebrating 35 years of the Fox Chase-Temple University Hospital Bone Marrow Transplant Program

One of the truly gratifying truths about cancer care is the amazing progress we have made in just the last few decades.
Optimizing Treatment Strategies for Localized and Advanced Genitourinary Malignancies Symposium

Optimizing Treatment Strategies for Localized and Advanced Genitourinary Malignancies

This educational program, offered by Fox Chase Cancer Center and the Temple Health Office for Continuing Medical Education. The program will cover the latest strategies for optimally managing localized and advanced bladder, kidney, and prostate cancer and is presented by the Fox Chase Cancer Center genitourinary oncology team—nationally recognized physicians specializing in urology, radiation therapy, and medical oncology.
A New Fellowship For Breast Imaging Leadership News

A New Fellowship For Breast Imaging Leadership

The new fellow will spend nine months on interpreting, screening, and diagnostic procedures, learn how to perform all forms of biopsies using the most advanced techniques; and gain skills to run a breast imaging center.
Profile UNC: Dr. Karyn Stitzenberg News

Profile UNC: Dr. Karyn Stitzenberg

For some, cancer is not the worst challenge.
New Medical Oncology Leadership Advances Clinical Care, Research, Discovery, and Delivery at Temple Health and Fox Chase News

New Medical Oncology Leadership Advances Clinical Care, Research, Discovery, and Delivery at Temple Health and Fox Chase

For Fox Chase Cancer Center and the larger Temple Health community, the appointment of Martin Edelman, MD, is an exciting new opportunity to collaborate and integrate cancer care within these two institutions.
We All Rise Together: Dr. Camille Ragin's Vision for Health Equity in Cancer News

We All Rise Together: Dr. Camille Ragin's Vision for Health Equity in Cancer

The statistics are riveting: Throughout the world, approximately 17 percent of the human population are individuals of African descent.
Fox Chase Researchers Present Findings on BRCA-Mutated Breast Cancer at American Society for Radiation Oncology Meeting News

Fox Chase Researchers Present Findings on BRCA-Mutated Breast Cancer at American Society for Radiation Oncology Meeting

2023 State-of-the-Art Treatment for Early Stage Lung Cancer Course

2023 State-of-the-Art Treatment for Early Stage Lung Cancer

LIVE Saturday, November 4, 2023. The program will focus on the latest research and strategies for optimally managing early stage NSCLC patients, including detection, imaging, diagnosis, staging, and treatment.
Optimizing Treatment Strategies for Localized and Advanced Genitourinary Malignancies Course

Optimizing Treatment Strategies for Localized and Advanced Genitourinary Malignancies

Join us for this in-person educational program, presented by Fox Chase Cancer Center and the Temple Health Office for Continuing Medical Education. The program will cover the latest strategies for optimally managing localized and advanced bladder, kidney, and prostate cancer from the Fox Chase Cancer Center genitourinary oncology team—nationally recognized physicians specializing in urology, radiation therapy, and medical oncology.
The Role of Locoregional and Systemic Therapies in the Management of Colorectal Liver Metastases Video

The Role of Locoregional and Systemic Therapies in the Management of Colorectal Liver Metastases

In this video, Dr. Castellanos explains the role of surgical resection in the management of liver-confined metastatic colorectal cancer and using hepatic artery infusion pump (HAIP) chemotherapy for treating resectable and unresectable colorectal liver metastases.
Nothing is lost in translation for Russian-speaking patients with urologic cancers News

Nothing is lost in translation for Russian-speaking patients with urologic cancers

“Even when I was four, I wanted to be a clinician; I’d sit with my grandpa, listen to his ailments, and write prescriptions for him in Russian,” says Elena Dreyzin, PA-C., an advanced practice provider in the Fox Chase Cancer Center Department of Urology.
Study Investigates Hypomethylation Immunotherapy Combination in Bladder Cancer News

Study Investigates Hypomethylation Immunotherapy Combination in Bladder Cancer

Why does immunotherapy work for some bladder cancer patients and fail for others?

Showing 37 - 48 of 154 results

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