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Comprehensive Cancer Care Demands Exceptional Teamwork, Collaboration and Leaders to Bring It to Life.

At Fox Chase Cancer Center, a new organizational framework for genitourinary cancer care is now in place—centralizing scientific discovery, advanced research, and clinical care—all of which opens new therapeutic pathways for patients.

“Matthew Zibelman, MD, and Mark Hallman, MD, PhD

Matthew Zibelman, MD, and Mark Hallman, MD, PhD

Leading the new Genitourinary Cancer (GU) Service Line are Mark Hallman, MD, PhD, Clinical Director, and Matthew Zibelman, MD, Director of Clinical and Translational Research.

"Fox Chase has always been a patient-centric organization; this new structure refines and leverages our clinical and scientific strengths, allowing physicians to provide the highest level of personalized care, at any disease stage," says Dr. Hallman.

"From a research perspective, we can now more seamlessly merge scientific exploration for bladder, kidney, or prostate cancer with the clinical reality of these diseases," says Dr. Zibelman. "Our collaborative work with investigators will help us prioritize translational projects and clinical trials, all crucial for better patient outcomes.”

The new GU Service Line includes medical oncology, surgical oncology, radiation oncology, and medicine; along with integrated services such as radiology, pathology, and nurse navigation. And, at the helm are Dr. Hallman and Dr. Zibelman, working side by side.

As Fox Chase advances through the initial phase of the new GU Service Line, further efficiencies and opportunities for improvement will be put into place. This allows patients to move through their cancer journey with as much success and as few bumps as possible.