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Fox Chase Becomes First Cancer Center in the Northeast to Utilize New Surgical Navigation Technology for Breast-Conserving Surgeries News

Fox Chase Becomes First Cancer Center in the Northeast to Utilize New Surgical Navigation Technology for Breast-Conserving Surgeries

Fox Chase Cancer Center is the first cancer center in the Northeast to feature a new tumor marker technology—the EnVisio Surgical Navigation System and SmartClip Soft Tissue Marker technology. This advancement will make breast excisional biopsies and breast-conserving surgeries more precise.
Pulsed Low-Dose-Rate Radiation Offers New Treatment Option for Variety of Solid Tumors News

Pulsed Low-Dose-Rate Radiation Offers New Treatment Option for Variety of Solid Tumors

Clinicians at Fox Chase Cancer Center are exploring how an established radiation technique—pulsed low-dose-rate radiation (PLDR)—might benefit patients with a variety of solid tumors.
Fox Chase Offering Prostate Micro-Ultrasound Technology News

Fox Chase Offering Prostate Micro-Ultrasound Technology

Fox Chase Cancer Center is now offering patients a more convenient and effective method of prostate cancer diagnosis—the ExactVu™ micro-ultrasound system.
CAR T-Cell Therapy Now Available at Fox Chase for Relapsed and Refractory Mantle Cell Lymphoma News

CAR T-Cell Therapy Now Available at Fox Chase for Relapsed and Refractory Mantle Cell Lymphoma

Patients with mantle cell lymphoma treated at Fox Chase Cancer Center will now have access to treatment with brexucabtagene autoleucel (also known as TecartusTM), the first cell-based gene therapy approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
International Collaboration Finds Ripretinib Significantly Improves Survival for Patients With Advanced Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors News

International Collaboration Finds Ripretinib Significantly Improves Survival for Patients With Advanced Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors

Researchers at Fox Chase Cancer Center recently published the results of an international study showing improved survival for patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors who used ripretinib (Qinlock) when compared with patients taking a placebo.
Urologic Oncology APP and MD Author Book Chapter on Kidney Cancer News

Urologic Oncology APP and MD Author Book Chapter on Kidney Cancer

The clinicians in Fox Chase Cancer Center’s Division of Urology and Urologic Oncology are accustomed to providing patients with specialized care and advanced treatment, but they are also dedicated to sharing their experience and educating other providers. Recently, two members of the group teamed up to write a chapter in Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy in Urologic Oncology: A Guide for the Advanced Practice Provider.
Surgeon, Mother, Pioneer: Surgical Oncologist Rosalia Viterbo, MD, Is Committed to It All News

Surgeon, Mother, Pioneer: Surgical Oncologist Rosalia Viterbo, MD, Is Committed to It All

Viterbo brought her experience and expertise back to her practice at Fox Chase and, in the years since, has worked with colleagues in the Division of Urology and Urologic Oncology to pioneer the use of robotics in more and more cancer surgeries.
Meet Susan Sippel, Nursing Assistant in Fox Chase’s Urologic Oncology News

Meet Susan Sippel, Nursing Assistant in Fox Chase’s Urologic Oncology

Throughout Susan Sippel’s career at Fox Chase, three things have stood out: mentors, connecting with patients, and teamwork. She joined Fox Chase 29 years ago as a ward secretary for the Three South unit after her sister-in-law, a Fox Chase nurse, told her about the opening. Three years later, she moved into patient care as a nursing assistant—a title she’s held proudly for 26 years.
CivaSheet<sup>®</sup> for precise radiation delivery for pancreatic cancer News

CivaSheet® for precise radiation delivery for pancreatic cancer

CivaSheet®?is an FDA-approved Pd-103 brachytherapy planar radiation source that is radioactive on only one side. It is designed to safely deliver high doses of radiation to precisely targeted areas.
Patient-Reported Quality of Life Research May Guide Treatment Decisions for Lower-Risk Prostate Cancer News

Patient-Reported Quality of Life Research May Guide Treatment Decisions for Lower-Risk Prostate Cancer

New research from clinical investigators at Fox Chase may help men with prostate cancer in selecting the appropriate type of radiation therapy to treat their disease.
Research Identifies Predictors of Concern in Post-Treatment Prostate Cancer Patients News

Research Identifies Predictors of Concern in Post-Treatment Prostate Cancer Patients

In a recent study, Fox Chase Cancer Center researchers sought to identify predictors of concern in men who recently underwent treatment for prostate cancer.
Experience and Expertise Makes Retroperitoneal Approach an Option for Renal Surgery News

Experience and Expertise Makes Retroperitoneal Approach an Option for Renal Surgery

Robot-assisted renal surgery using retroperitoneal access requires substantial technical expertise and experience, and the urologic oncology team at Fox Chase Cancer Center is one of few local centers of excellence that offers it as a treatment option.

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